
Alberto Castillo
Fri, 09 Dec 2005 05:19:44 PST

Dear Mary Sue and Linda:
                                    It is difficult to understand this 
"lumping" we have seen in the past decade or so by Dr. Goldblatt but not so 
when one looks at the great variation within the genus Gladiolus. Star 
shaped, orchid like, cylinder  like, curved or practically tubeless, but all 
with the basic Gladiolus organs. Shape in each species matches the 
pollinators (too many to list) but all doubtless Gladioli. Then look at 
Sparaxis and "Synnotias": all share the same basic features including 
typical bracts but the flowers have different shapes again to match the 
pollinators shape and size. Then you go to Babiana/Antholyza. Then 
Gladiolus/Anomalesia/Homoglossum, the same case. Then comes 
Moraea/Homeria/Gynandriris, etc. The only thing we can not swallow is 
Galaxia being members of Moraea (Rachel, are you there?) but most of the 
other "lumping" sounds logic and sensible. Now if Albucas, Bowiea, 
Ornithogalum, are basically the same but with the flowers in different 
shapes to suit their pollinators then it is the previous case and most 
probably true. It is basically a taxonomy based in the plant studied within 
its environment. Of course, DNA is normally akin in all these groups.


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