Dear bulb enthusiasts, I am located in South Africa and I am looking for S.cyrtanthiflorus, S.cinnabarinus, S.longifolius and S.puniceus 'Alba'. Any information is welcome, if you grow any of these let me know and name your price or what you want to trade for (let me know even if you don't want to trade or sell!). Habitat/Locality information will also be greatly appreciated!!! If you know any one in Tropical Africa i.e. Uganda, Gabon, Ethiopia etc. that will be willing to correspond with me, please let me know!!! Or any Horticultural societies, Botanic Gardens, Universities etc. that I could contact, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! You can contact me privately at Thanks for all the help and information!!! Kind regards...and a Merry Christmas to all of you!!! Pieter van der Walt