Cold Treatment of Crocus

Tony Goode
Tue, 21 Dec 2004 12:43:14 PST
I have received an unusual request abut Crocuses.  Having no practical experience I thought  I'd pass the question around.  The enquiry in full is copied below:

"I come from Croydon in South London (UK);  the town's name is Anglo-Saxon for saffron or crocus valley.  Being born & bred in Croydon, I would like to use a crocus in my wedding bouquet next summer (3 July in Norfolk), but are there any species that flower this late?  If so, where can I get some bulbs or the growing plant from?  Is it possible to force or otherwise trick a particular variety of Crocus into flowering later (i.e. in the summer) ?
I should be grateful for any help you can give me."

The best answer I could come up with was to shift the venue to an alpine location but perhaps there is someone out there who has experience of preparing bulbs for summer horticultural shows using cold treatment.  

I'm sure you've nothing better to think about during the festive season but hope this brings some light relief  :-)

Tony Goode.  Norwich UK.  


Whatever you Wanadoo:

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