At 11:12 PM 12/15/2004 -0500, John Lonsdale wrote: > L. vernum fades away here in the spots >that get too dry too regularly but does fine in the spots that stay moister, >naturally or artificially. All sites are acid. My experience here has been similar. Although Leucojum vernum has been in this garden for well over twenty years, I have little to show for it. The plants bloom yearly and set seed, but they don't multiply vegetatively much. The seed germinates freely, and the seedlings grow slowly. Also, I don't know another bulbous plant which is so touchy about being dried when dug. Commercial stock that I've had is generally mostly dead on arrival. Years ago I worked in a retail nursery for a year; when the autumn bulbs arrived, I commandeered the box of 50 Leucojum vernum for myself. I stopped what I was doing, soaked the bulbs immediately, and planted them in the garden later that day. They looked fine. Six or so out of fifty grew. Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where Leucojum vernum blooms not in the spring but in late winter, as L. aestivum blooms not in summer but in spring, and L. autumnale blooms not in autumn but in summer.