Favorite White Flowered Bulbs--TOW

Kevin D. Preuss hyline@tampabay.rr.com
Mon, 27 Dec 2004 15:08:19 PST
Corey ...

white...so plain.  like a blank canvas,,,

So many neat aromas from the white-flowered amaryllids, partiularly the
long-tubed taxa.

You've picked two favorite white flowered genera for me!  Eucharis is a most
intriguing winter bloomer.  E. amazonica and E. formossa are in full bloom
and wonderfully scented indoors or in the greenhouse.  Another unidentified
Eucharis from Peru just finished. the petiolate foliage is an extra bonus.

 Panratium must also be lumped into these favorites for me.

And Hymenocallis....this one has moved up to my #1 slot, receiving more
attention than most of my collection.  Hym. godfreyi is in bloom now along
w/ another from St.. Marks, FL,  Possibly H. crassifolia.  I need the
mexican species to get a better knowledge of them.
Ismene and Elisene are almost equally enticing, but much more difficult for
me here in Florida.

Luther burbank's Crinum 'white Queen' flowered last year for me and was

I am working on Hipp.evansiae hybrids, which I hope to get results w/
spidery petals from cybister in three backgrounds.  The first rounds w/
papilio in them too had some light colored ones that were crossed to bring
out the white, one more backcross into evansiae and then they should have
the white.

Things like H. solandriflora/brasilianum/parodii all are attractive hipps.

Off topic, we just found some Monotropa uniflora / indian pipes
(acholrophyllous, white plants and flowers), neat.

Kevin Preuss
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