Hipp. moreliana or "atibaia"

Kevin D. Preuss hyline@tampabay.rr.com
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 09:31:21 PST
A couple years back I was given a few Hippeastrum bulbs from Sao Paulo.  This one produces mant bulbils and has narrow petal almost like H. cybister, but not as spidery.  The flowers are orangish-red, with a white band in the base of each tepal. It is a small plant.

Looking at D.r Julie Dutilh's article on a Hippeastrum population near the town of Atibaia, Sao Paulo Brazil and describes how 3 species introgress from H. stiatum to psittacinum to Hippeastrum sp./"atibaia".  Is H. "atibaia" the same thing as H. morelianum?  She describes those striatum as having many bulbils.  My other stiatums do not do that, but the plant I have does.  Any Ideas?

Also I have  something labled H. psittacinum that looks like H. iguazuanum.  I wonder if I'll ever sort them all out!

and then there's all those forms of aulicum....

Cheers to spring!
Kevin D. Preuss

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