Dear All, From a number of seed exchanges (NARGS and SRG) I have received Romulea seed that turned out to be misnamed. Usually the seed turns out to be the same thing. It is a very small flowered Romulea, purple with a yellow center and it blooms in late winter-early spring when it is raining here and only opens on warm days so I don't see much of it. Routinely I toss it since it is very prolific. It blooms from seed in the second year and obviously sets seed easily because otherwise it wouldn't be donated so much. It is blooming now from seed identified as Romulea bulbocodium v. leichtliniana. I thought this plant was supposed to have larger flowers and be white with a yellow central zone. From my original NARGS seed sowing I ended up with 104 little corms the first year. I don't think I'll keep it, but I'd like to know what it really as I suspect a lot of other are growing it on by the wrong name so am putting it on the Mystery page.… Robin or Alberto or anyone can you help me? Mary Sue