Getting Rain Lilies to bloom

Alberto Castillo
Mon, 03 Mar 2003 06:25:03 PST

Dear Mary Sue:
                          I think Lauw’s idea of mentioning sugarcane and 
olive trees as indicators of a climate is great although the latter only 
thrives in droughtland. Along this, Habranthus robustus inhabits a region 
along the seashore in Southern Brazil where sugarcane could grow as a 
perennial in any backyard. Habranthus brachyandrus comes from a region where 
cotton and citrus are normal crops.  Those I dub “Pampas bulbs” lives in a 
region where winters are cooler (neither cotton not sugarcane could be grown 
here in the open) but subject all of them to the same rainfall pattern: year 
round with a dryish February. If you can give them a hot dryish period in 
late summer they can flower regularly (of course if you are not growing them 
in Anchorage!). Some of them

Cypella herberti
Herbertia lahue ssp amoena
Ipheion uniflorum
Nothoscordum dialystemon
Nothoscordum bonariense
Nothoscordum montevidense
Anemone decapetala
Zephyrantes candida
Zephyrantes mesochloa
Zephyranthes minima
Habranthus tubispathus (andersoni)
Habranthus gracilifolius
Habranthus barrosianus
Rhodophiala bifida
Oxalis perdicaria
Oxalis paraguaiensis
Oxalis articulata

If you have a patio or walk in full sun and exposed to the south (in your 
Hemisphere) this is the place to grow them. I grow a number of Hippeastrums 
and others in such a patio and they  grow very well with the “bottom heat”.
                      And yes, like you and Lauw said, the drought period in 
your lemon tree switched the plants from “Foliage mode” to “Flower mode”.

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