Today's Portland "Oregonian" contains a detailed obituary of Estella Evans, a daffodil grower, breeder and judge in this region, who has died at age 87. The article mentions that she registered her varieties 'Sweet Prince', 'Cataract', 'Cheddar', 'Yosemite', and 'Kewpie'. I think at least the last-named is still grown. According to the writer, Estella "could slash brush with a machete, lift and stack 50-pound crates of bulbs, work a cleat saw at the mill, and cut up a quarter of beef carcass....She could weave pine needle baskets but was famous for her beads made of ground rose petals." Few of us today have the time to weave baskets and make those beads (I've seen them in antique shops), but at least we can enjoy our daffodils! Jane McGary NW Oregon