Dear All, Many years ago (4/14/99) on the IBS list Eric Walton wrote about the many names possible for what I think Lee has donated under still another new name (6. Cypella platea platensis or Dell's correction of Cypella plumbea 'Placensis'). Eric had given me permission in the past to repeat his post. I renamed this plant on all my tags Cypella coelestis. Perhaps Alberto can tell us what most people call it in South America. I suspect a lot of people grow this under different names. Mary Sue Regarding the correct name of Phalocallis coelestis. It depends on who you follow and whether he/she is a lumper or a splitter. I think we gardening morals would like to believe in taxonomic concensus and finality, but there is also what I call the 'snapshot in time' aspect, i.e. what people think/believe today may not be the same as tomorrow. To me is more important to have the plant correctly identified and then you can apply whatever name is in vogue. So, if you are a splitter and recognise Phalocallis as a valid genus, the plant is Phalocallis coelestis, if you are a lumper and submerge Phalocallis into Cypella, the plant is Cypella coelestis. If your nomenclature is slightly older you might know the plant as Phalocallis plumbea or Cypella plumbea. If you live in New Zealand (and perhaps other places?) you might know the plant as Herbertia platensis (definitely the wrong genus). And, in a recent(ish) book published in New Zealand the name Alophia platensis was suggested due to the muddling/confusion between Alophia and Herbertia. Take your pick, but please err to the top of the list rather the bottom! Other South American irids with interesting "taxonomic histories" are Herbertia lahue and Alophia drummondii. Hope this helps at least a little....... Regards Eric Walton New Zealand