Bulbs for...

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Tue, 18 Mar 2003 08:59:50 PST
Dear Cynthia,

The topic this week and next is an outgrowth of Ernie's request that we do 
a topic of the week highlighting growing conditions where he lived with 
people sharing what they had success growing. He hoped to come up with 
ideas for new things to try. These would not be items for frames or 
greenhouses or pots or to be protected from the elements, just those things 
you could plant out (with maybe supplemental water occasionally.) Although 
this topic, Bulbs for the Pacific Northwest, started slowly it finally took 
off and I thought was wonderful as people shared their experiences. 
Hopefully Ernie was pleased as well.

I thought it was an idea worth extending and asked for input on this. A few 
people responded in support of this. So Mediterranean is the second and 
Boyce wanted to do his area so his will be the third. After that no one 
else has expressed an interest. If you'd like to lead a discussion of what 
you can easily grow in Texas I'll write you in for May. There would be 
yours and Charles and Shawn's experiences. And maybe you could expand it to 
include other areas of the south. If you don't think there would be enough 
for a whole topic you can always just tell us about your garden and which 
geophytes are happy in it. I was hoping we could do a different area each 
month, but only if there was an interest in this.

Mary Sue
PBS TOW Coordinator

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