Alium TOW

Alberto Castillo
Fri, 07 Mar 2003 15:03:51 PST
Dear all:
              How much one can learn from this superposition of different 
garden situations!. Here under milder conditions Allium tuberosum is a well 
behaved plant and only increases slowly although flowers regularly in 
summer. It was great to hear of other alliums that could do well here like 
trifoliatum, anisopodium and jajlae. I do not have subvillosum or chamaemoly 
now. Thanks for mentioning them.
              Allium drummondii is permanent here as was the beautiful deep 
golden yellow A. coryi in very well drained soil, Mark, for many years. As 
for the Texan bunch their taxonomy is all wrong for although they look 
superficially different when I planted them in the Texan bed the most 
frantic Allium orgy took place and all crossed with all producing lots of 
intermediates and the whole bed became a terrible mess. This is not how 
normal species behave. Therefore a word of warning. If you can grow them, 
keep the pots well separated.
              Allium triquetrum is vigorous and can be invasive here too, 
Mary Sue. Two ways to control it, first to use it as a woodland plant where 
its flowering season in spring is very long, even in dry shade. Another I 
have seen is to use the bulbs as pickled onions.
              It would be great if back issues of G.A.R.L.I.C. were 
available to the web. It deserves to be well  known! Who could dispute your 
expertise, Mark. The more one see luxury bulb books written by people who 
never grew a single bulb the more one appreciate the real specialist.

Charla con tus amigos en lĂ­nea mediante MSN Messenger:

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