Slightly delayed response to Bills' question. This sounds like a rumour has been started by the rodents! I have met several people locally whose Crocus tommasinianus "never came up". Reason - mice, voles, squirrels. However, given that Bill seems to have found some truth in the suggestion it would be interesting to know if other growers have had success with this crocus while losing others. In situations where rodent predation makes successful crocus cultivation marginal Crocus tommasinianus would be the most likely survivor owing to its propensity to increase by seed and cormlet production. It may be that enough survive predation to maintain the population despite rodent activity. Tony Goode. Norwich UK original message: Can anyone tell me what the mechanism is that makes crocus tommasinianus repellent to rodents? Physiology, scent, taste? It has this reputation and that has also been my experience with it. But what is the reason? Bill Lee SW Ohio