Dear All, Lee made a wiki page for Vellozia (Yea Lee!) and I think you all may find it interesting to see what he wrote about it as you can get a better idea of its size.… Can anyone provide us more information about this genus so we can add it to the wiki page? Are they all from Brazil? I've looked through old posts and see more questions than answers. I found a reference to the family, Velloziaceae in Pooley's, A Field Guide to Wildflowers Kwazulu-Natal and the Eastern Region. This quotes the common name of the family as the black-stick lily and the species described in that book had black rough fibrous stems. "Fibrous perennials. Stems protected by non-inflammable leaf bases, dwarf or up to 4 m. Leaves in tufts. Afr., Madag and Brazil, 8 genera, more or less 280 species, 2 genera in South Africa" It appears that the two genera in South Africa are Xerophyta and Talbotia (= Vellozia in parenthesis.) Mary Sue