Folks, I have just finished setting up the search feature on my web site and implemented it for the complete photo collection (now around 1800 photos). When you navigate to the WebAlbum that manages the plant image collection ( you'll see the search tool on the left side of the header above the images. You can enter any string into the box that is 3 characters or more long, hitting enter or clicking search will then pull out thumbnails of every image whose keyword file contains that string. Each image is fully searchable on every component of the complete botanical name. Please note that it is case sensitive but should be intuitive - just use the correct format for each element of the name, e.g. always start a genus with a capital letter, species names are always lower-case, etc. I hope you find this useful, please let me know of any issues. Recent updates include more views of the garden, Lilium gloriosoides, Leucojum spp., Cyclamen graecum and also the addition of some articles discussing cultivation and propagation of Daphnes, Crocuses, Cyclamen, Himalayan Androsaces and New Zealand cushion plants. Cheers, J. Dr John T Lonsdale 407 Edgewood Drive Exton Pennsylvania 19341 USA 610 594 9232 - phone 801 327 1266 - fax Zone 6b