Allium and Colchicum germination

Diane Whitehead
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 10:56:05 PDT
Some bulbs will never make the fast bloom category as they don't 
germinate fast.

I have two that have just germinated:

Allium narcissiflorum from seed collected in the Dolomites, sown January 1999
Colchicum pusillum from Alpine Garden Society seed sown February 2000.

I find the slowness of the allium interesting since onions and leeks 
grow so quickly that I expect the whole family to be fast.

The colchicum is the very first that has ever germinated for me, and 
now that it has emerged, I have hopes for the other half dozen sown 
about the same time, or the year before.

Diane Whitehead  Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
maritime zone 8
cool mediterranean climate (dry summer, rainy winter - 68 cm annually)
sandy soil

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