Wed, 30 Oct 2002 18:02:13 PST
In a message dated 10/30/2002 75715 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes

It looks like I am going to have two pots of blooming Massonia pustulata
this year.

Hi Mary Sue

I have two pots of Massonia depressa getting ready to bloom.  Last year, pretending to be the snout of a Gerbil, I cross pollinated the two and actually got seed to sow. The nectar is very sweet and thick, fun plant to grow.

First of the Lachenalias to bloom is L. pusilla.  The blooms are not very attractive but I enjoy the way the leaves spiral out of the pot.  Also in bloom is L. rubida.  One of the last to start into growth but one of the first to bloom.

Mark Mazer
Intarsia Ltd.
Gaylordsville, CT 06755-0142
USDA Zone 5
Giant Schnauzer Rescue

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