regular dilute fertilizing

John Lonsdale
Sun, 25 Aug 2002 08:18:34 PDT

I also fertilize with each watering using MiracleGro, at a reduced
concentration, and certainly agree with the advantages of doing this.  My
major reason is to bring along seedling bulbs faster, but find that the
relatively few mature bulbs I keep in pots also do well.  The little and
often seems to give much better results than infrequent boluses (boli ?) of
concentrated fertilizer.  The bulbs get to FS faster but don't attain that
gross size you often see in some Dutch stock.  In the latter case, although
you might get a good display the first year (which is presumably the desired
result), I find them generally more prone to rotting and/or splitting.

I use a 3/4 gallon in-line Easy-Gro diluter which works very nicely, and has
variable settings if you need to increase the fertilizer dose.


Dr John T Lonsdale
407 Edgewood Drive
Pennsylvania 19341  USA

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