So far there is only one stalk in bloom in this Pasadena garden. That one is in an area that was planted with daylilies this year and has been getting more water than other years. They usually appear later in August on this somewhat shaded slope. Most are out of range of sprinklers and mostly neglected. Last year was a super good year for the Naked Ladies here. Now blooming- hymenocallis and crinums. The rainlilies were out last week and now drying out, but since they are also in among daylilies they do not get too dry. Everything there has been getting soaked about once a month and the rainlilies bloom several times a year. (No names- they came from a package of seed received in joining IBS several years ago lableded only "Rain Lilies" and from flea markets. I am trying to grow more from seeds with names.) Pat Colville