where is Bulb_Images? and more

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Mon, 05 Aug 2002 22:08:10 PDT
Dear John and anyone else who is wondering,

For all who have joined since Jim Shields sent this message, I will repeat 
his message:

"I have set up a list on Yahoo Groups for bulb images.  It is open to 
anyone who grows and enjoys bulbs.  To join, either send me a private 
e-mail asking to be added to the Bulbs Images list, or send a blank e-mail 
to:  <Bulbs_Images-subscribe@yahoogroups.com>   "

You can contact Jim at mailto:jshields104@insightbb.com  or Arnold at 
mailto:Arnold@nj.rr.com to sign up or you can subscribe directly as 
explained above.

I am sorry. I probably should have posted the image on the Australian 
Images list too, but I was in a hurry and didn't want to have to explain 
about our rain lily discussion.

The Pacific Bulb Society was just created this spring. We have hopes for a 
web page and many other things, but it will probably depend on how many 
members we have what we can afford to do.  For now we are trying to put out 
a newsletter four times a year for members and have started a seed and bulb 
exchange. Meetings are being scheduled as well. Since we are very spread 
out that is a bit of a challenge, but John, since you are in Oregon, you 
may be able to get to this meeting announced earlier by Jane McGary so I 
will repeat the information Jane provided. Everyone is welcome to attend.

"We are planning a bulb get-together in Portland, Oregon, later this summer.
It is officially under the auspices of the newly formed Pacific Bulb
Society but anyone interested in bulbs, particularly non-tropical ones, is 
welcome to attend.

The meeting will take place from 10 am to 2 pm on August 10, 2002, at the
Hoyt Arboretum Visitor Center in Washington Park, which is immediately west
of downtown Portland. The most accessible entrance to the park is from
Highway 26 West ("Zoo" exit) and ample signage directs visitors to the
Arboretum. We will have a slide lecture and bulb exchange. In addition,
attendees are encouraged to bring a maximum of 20 slides showing their
gardens/collections and to give brief presentations of them. (For
efficiency, please bring your slides already in a carousel.)

For further information, please contact <janemcgary@earthlink.net>, phone
(503) 630-3339.

Because the meeting room is small, this meeting will not be advertised to
the wider garden community (e.g., Hardy Plant Society), so I think we can
anticipate a very interesting few hours."

Please feel free to ask any other questions and/or give us ideas about 
meetings, what you'd like in newsletters, etc. Cathy Craig has unsubscribed 
while she is traveling, but I am sure Marguerite English will be happy to 
save any ideas that are presented.

Mary Sue

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