Dear Joyce, As a taxonomist/sytematist it is laborious. Changes are constant. For example, I am trying to get a hold on the species of Hymenocallis just in the US and have come into several barriers. Imagine those folks in the orchids or asters where there are thousands of species. It takes a lot of time and effort. Most of the literature is primarily obtained university libraries (and many botanical institutions and gardens). But, eventually with the assistance of so many generous souls, such as yourself, who freely exchange bulbs & info. and publications in our journals and bulletins and even forums; all can and do contribute greatly. Taxonomists - We are like ants, each with a specific task to do (be it a entire family, a genus or a group within a large genus or even one species). Horticulturists, such as we all are, grow the bulbs. Too many taxonomists are not horticulturists (Probably 'cause they have their nose in journals, reading and writing, which is good , too! Have a good day all - Kevin Preuss St. Pete, FL