Tecophilia violiflora

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Fri, 23 Aug 2002 08:35:40 PDT
Dear Rob,

When we were discussing Tecophilia violiflora as part of the topic of the 
week on the IBS list, no one spoke up to say they were growing it. We 
speculated that perhaps since the flowers were smaller and not that vivid 
blue there was less interest in it. So you are the first person I know who 
is growing it. All we could discover about it was from the Rix book: T. 
violiflora is described as having purple flowers and growing on the coastal 
ranges north of Santiago,
from Valparaiso to Coquimbo. Maybe Alberto will know more about it.

Your announcement on the Australian list of all those Erythroniums and 
Fritillarias in bloom or bud is quite impressive. It feels like winter here 
in Northern California but we could still have summer like weather in the 
fall. My first fall blooming Oxalis are starting to come up and I see the 
first spikes of Gladiolus carmineus.

Mary Sue

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