Mystery Irid

Started by Randy Linke, July 09, 2024, 08:51:52 AM

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Randy Linke

Received this from a seed exchange, not sure which one, as Orthrosantus polystachyus.  It does bloom in the morning, fading by mid afternoon.  I know at one point I had found a reference for an Irid that fit this flower type but I cannot remember what it was.  Any thoughts appreciated.


Hello Randy,

The closest I can get with the flower is Neomarica. It is definitely not Orthosanthus and does not fit for Herbertia. How tall is the plant? What diameter is the flower? Single flower or branching inflorescences? A picture of the foliage would help.
Neomarica forms a big clump of flat, non pleated Iris like leaves, usually bright green, some have a glaucous tinge.

Hope that helps 
Algarve, Portugal
350m elevation, frost free
Mediterranean Climate

Randy Linke

The flower is about 8 cm across and the foliage is pleated.  This is the first year it has bloomed from seed planted last year.  It bloomed earlier, about two weeks ago, but the flowers were not as developed.  Height of the inflorescence is about 20cm, but again, this is the first year it has bloomed.

Martin Bohnet

Quote from: Randy Linke on July 10, 2024, 09:22:42 AMthe foliage is pleated.

Pleated foliage -> Tribus Tigridieae, no Neomarica. I'd go for Phalocallis coelestis - it's common in trade, sometimes as cypella coelestis or cypella gigantea
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)

Randy Linke

Thank you Martin, I believe that is it.  I will probably be able to confirm it next year as I have another pot of seedlings planted at the same time but none of them look like they are large enough to bloom this year.  The foliage is identical as well.

Martin Bohnet

foliage identical is not really an issue - that' t true for almost everything in that tribe.
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)


This plant simply did not cross my mind, I have it here... and maybe the seed is even from my garden as the plants sets large amounts of seed which I donated several times.
Algarve, Portugal
350m elevation, frost free
Mediterranean Climate

Randy Linke

Thank you Uli,  I think the other pot I sowed were from you.