July 2024

Started by Robert_Parks, Yesterday at 08:43:45 PM

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Aha! Another Haemanthus snuck in a bloom on the storage bench... H. humilis v. hirsutus...got some hairy leg action going on there.

Typhonium circinnatum with a curly spathe inside, next to Amorphophallus ongsakulii starting a summer of intermittent blooming...not shy one shots like the big relatives.

Gloxinia nematanthodes Evita is stating that this is a hanging basket kind of year.

And the Dieramas are coming into bloom nicely, but the wind never stops, so pictures are difficult.

in currently sunny San Francisco, looking to a couple days in the high 70sF/25+C...at least the Dieramas won't melt in the fog this week!