The Bulb Garden Newsletter - online

Started by David Pilling, January 20, 2024, 06:09:31 PM

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David Pilling

The first 19 volumes of "The Bulb Garden", newsletter of the Pacific Bulb Society are available online for free download.

New is a page giving the contents of all issues, this makes it easier to discover things of interest. You can find the contents here:

Downloads are linked to the contents. A table showing all the downloads is here:

Volumes 18 and 19 have been added recently. In addition volume 2 issue 4 was missing, thanks to Bob Rutemoeller for scanning it for me.

If you know of any other missing issues, let me know.


This is really helpful, especially the list of contents.  Thank you!



The next Bulb Garden has been dropped in the mail. On the address label you will find an expiration date.
If it is 2023 your membership is due for renewal.

If you feel the expiration date is incorrect please write me at and I will check it.

There have been some glitches in the PayPal notification system where Jane and I aren't receiving the notice of payment.

Thanks and enjoy.
Arnold T.
North East USA


The next Bulb Garden Vol. 21 # 3 has been mailed.

The printer neglected to add the membership expiration date.  You can find the date on the previous Bulb Garden Vol. 21 # 2.

We have a number of members who are in arrears on BX/SX payments.  I'd like to close out all the accounts by the end of the year.

If you are in doubt you payments you can email me at
Arnold T.
North East USA