February 2025

Started by Too Many Plants!, February 02, 2025, 11:25:10 AM

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Too Many Plants!

My first Ferraria flowers of the season!

Ferraria Crispa

Too Many Plants!

I'll post a progression here of this Gladiolus from a 2023 BX. I planted two bulbs, and only one is sending up a flower stalk. I wonder...is the other bulb gone, or just sleeping...?

As always I offer a Thank You, to those generous PBS folks that share the bulb Love!

Gladiolus Bonaspei - fm SH seed Silvesmere locale.

Too Many Plants!

My second Ferraria to open this season. MIA tag 🏷�, sooo if anyone has a guess or knows please chime in.

Ferraria ?

Too Many Plants!

It has begun!

Sparaxis Elegans


Quote from: Too Many Plants! on February 26, 2025, 11:46:01 AMI'll post a progression here of this Gladiolus from a 2023 BX. I planted two bulbs, and only one is sending up a flower stalk. I wonder...is the other bulb gone, or just sleeping...?

As always I offer a Thank You, to those generous PBS folks that share the bulb Love!

Gladiolus Bonaspei - fm SH seed Silvesmere locale.
If it flowers without leaves the other corm might come up later with a leaf only. A bit strange, though that a leafless flower appears now, I would have expected that kind of behavior in autumn.
Algarve, Portugal
350m elevation, frost free
Mediterranean Climate


I have a number of Arums that have suffered the same condition

Leaves yellow and wither,  I first thought it was due to the type of fertilizer I was using, but haven't use any on the pictured plant which is a hybrid of   Arum creticum  and Arum palaestinum created by a friend in Italy
Angelo Porcelli 

It's potted in a gritty mix with only about 20 percent commercial potting mix.

Lives in a cool greenhouse along side all my SA bulbs.

Any suggestions as to what's ailing the plant?
Arnold T.
North East USA


Hello Arnold 
Has your Arum got dry accidentally?
Algarve, Portugal
350m elevation, frost free
Mediterranean Climate



It's in a fairly large pot.  I water once per week.
Arnold T.
North East USA


I'm guessing it is a fungal rust, I just haven't gotten around to spraying for that...only some species, and mostly where it is moister and shadier...the ones in the sun and wind out front have less.


Martin Bohnet

@Too Many Plants! That second ferraria should be crispa, too - they are quite variable.

later than usual, spring has started for me, too - of course with Galanthus (Spindlestone Surprise and Green Fingers shown here). My spring colchicums only came through after some iron phosphate "fertilization" - that's a late Colchicum serpentinum
, and Colchicum robustum
(syn jolantheae) - the rescue seemingly came too late for luteum.

In the cold house, Asphodelus acaulis
finally opened up - last year I had it flowering all February on the front stairs, but as I said before, this February was colder by far.
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)