Ordering from Rare Bulbs Nursery Latvia?

Started by illahe, Today at 09:31:27 AM

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Hello everyone, 

I was wondering if anyone here has recent experience ordering from https://rarebulbs.lv/index.php/en/  For shipping to the USA? If so any experiences to share about the process, experience etc.?

Happy Holidays, 


Martin Bohnet

I can't help you with the USA-part of the question, just a general hint: you have to be quick. Janis is on a small business taxation system, it's not unusual for him to close down the offering after days (even feels just like hours) as he reaches his annual business volume limit. Best might be to have a look on new year morning, no matter how slow the server is then as everybody will be browsing....
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)


Hello Mark,

It is a very long time ago that I have ordered from him when I still lived in Germany. The service was correct, the bulbs expensive but good. 
For Portugal it makes no sense to order from him because most of his bulbs need a much colder winter than I can provide. But for a continental climate with cold winters and hot summers he is the right address.
Algarve, Portugal
350m elevation, frost free
Mediterranean Climate


I've ordered from him 15-20 years ago.

he sells out quickly for sure.
Arnold T.
North East USA