Brunsvigia bosmaniae

Started by Kaz305, June 02, 2024, 09:40:23 AM

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Hi all

I have managed to secure a Brunsvigia bosmaniae and wanted to ask what it's watering requirements are. It's been planted today but I haven't watered it in yet 

Martin Bohnet

Hi and welcome to the Forum!

We'll need a little more information: where are you (Hemisphere? Climate?), what is the status of the bulb (resting/in the green/ with/without roots/ adult or juvenile....) - everything helps.
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)


They do well here in Santa Barbara although they are now dormant.  Make sure you leave room for the leaves to spread out. I didn't and now have to move a couple of things. The picture was taken in early October.