new group order for SA bulbs

Started by David Pilling, February 15, 2025, 09:47:55 AM

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David Pilling

Order form and price list attached.

There is a high level of interest in doing this; I have received about 30+ notes so far.  I'm pleased to report that everyone actually read the instructions and contacted me (not the list!) so please don't disappoint me by trying to send your orders to the list either.  Besides, the list won't accept attachments anyway.
Arnold will post the SAB catalog and a separate order form to the Forum, where you can download them both.  They should be available on Weds.  We will set the deadline for orders at midnight SUNDAY night 2/23.
You must use the order form!  It is a docx (Word) file so you can fill it out on your computer directly, and if you do please save it as "Smith Order" or some such so your name will be prominent when the stack of files are being organized by all of your dedicated volunteers.  Alternatively, you can print it out, fill in LEGIBLY by hand, and scan into a pdf, again with your name on it, and email either the docx or the pdf TO ME.
Please recall that this is open to members only, so make sure you use the email address actually associated with your membership so Arnold knows who you are.  We are only doing the US order.  If an EU order is done, that will be a separate but similar process spearheaded by the dedicated EU volunteers.
Last time, we advised you to expect shipping and other charges to amount to perhaps as much as the products, so in your mind just double the catalog price as a safe estimate.  In the end, costs came in significantly below this (at least in the US).  There is the possibility that the US will introduce reciprocal tariffs on South Africa; that country has various rates for various things, but it appears that 20% seems to be an upper limit.  It's not yet clear how this item will play out, but in any event my guess is that if you expect the total cost to be about twice the catalog price, you will still be pleasantly surprised in the end.
And finally, as before we will scrupulously follow all USDA requirements.  When all orders are received I will update my permit as needed, but in some rare case we might find that some particular genus isn't permitted and that item won't be included in your order.  You have our sympathy, but the rules exist for a reason.  Last time we sailed through inspection because Leigh takes great care with cleanliness and labeling, and the inspectors respond accordingly.
Any specific questions may be sent to me at

Martin Bohnet

To make one thing clear: nothing posted here is erased, all is moved to an internal team space.
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)


In the spirit of community and transparency, I'm writing as PBS President and BX Manager to address the recent comments (since removed) making accusations relative to our South African bulb purveyor. Should anyone have concerns about the South African Bulb Company, we can assure you that we feel confident offering our members the opportunity to purchase their bulbs directly.  It is our understanding that SABC is compliant with all rules and regulations and has possession of all necessary governmental requirements/permits as growers and distributors of bulbs from their nursery. Leigh and her husband are a small business and their reputation is their most important asset.  Time-consuming and rigorous documentation was necessary for our orders - with the South African authorities.  We spent time assuring that we covered all requirements from our European and American agencies too, as recipients of their material.  All of our dealings have been above-board, as has all of SABC's growing and sourcing of their materials.  The allegations made in the removed post were serious and contained accusations that are unfounded and unwarranted and that was what triggered removal.  

We regret any concern or confusion this may have caused to some members.  We remain committed to being the best we can be and are aware that poor ethical practices do exist.  We took pains to assure SABC is growing many of their offerings themselves and most importantly, legally. 

We asked Leigh to provide a short summary of her practices and she shared the following:
"The few growers that we purchase the bulbs in question from are all registered growers with permits including the government-owned nursery where there are fields of bulbs that have been growing for many, many years, even decades.  The posting to your Forum simply does not understand how quickly South African bulbs grow in open ground.   They may be unaware of the fact that some rare species. such as Strumaria prolifera for example, grow like weeds in cultivation.  The market in rare South African bulbs has reached the point of no return. It is becoming increasingly difficult to source seed and young bulbs of 'rarities' or uncommon species, and as a result we are focusing on other species and cultivars that are good reliable performers for all gardeners. We also cannot compete against all the wild poached species that continue to flood the international market."

Thank you,