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General Discussion / Syringodea species (also calle...
Last post by Bern - December 23, 2024, 07:06:18 AM
I have been trying to obtain information about the cultural requirements of the various cultivated species in the genus Syringodea. I've read the wiki, searched the Forum and List, and scoured the internet. But, I still have a few questions, so I thought I'd post them on the Forum. 

First, here's the wiki link and a wikipedia link.

These sources identify some species and mention either their in situ locality, or if they grow in winter or summer rainfall areas.  It seems that the species most widely available in S. longituba, a winter grower.

I'd like to ask if anyone is growing any of the species from summer rainfall areas?  These species appear to be bifucata, concolor, flanaganii, and pulchella.  Are there any others?  Do you find the summer rainfall species to be easy or difficult to grow?  What cultural methods do you find successful?  And if you have also grown longituba or another winter rainfall species, can you opine whether you found them easier or more difficult to grow than the summer rainfall ones and why.

These plants have an interesting growth habit and the flowers are beautiful and present nicely.

Thank you!

General Discussion / Re: Plants in the News
Last post by David Pilling - December 22, 2024, 05:28:49 PM
Botany Manor, Xbox Series X

"One game I wolfed down in a single evening recently was Botany Manor, a sedate puzzle game about growing all sorts of weird and wonderful plants inside a picturesque Somerset stately home. These aren't your typical roses and daffodils, though. Rather, these rare and exotic strains will only bloom under very specific circumstances - the right room temperature, say, or having its soil juiced up to a particular pH by crushing certain apple varieties into it. My favourite was the Wolfglove, which only bursts into life when you recreate specific sounds and wind speeds inside an old tower to mimic the environment of its mountainous home."

Current Photographs / Re: December 2024
Last post by Too Many Plants! - December 22, 2024, 12:07:39 PM
Here's some proper PBS forum paraphernalia...

First bulb is Boophone Disticha.

Second n third bulbs are Haemanthoides, with one I suspect is splitting heads.
Current Photographs / Re: December 2024
Last post by Too Many Plants! - December 21, 2024, 03:36:09 PM
I'm gunna break the rules do more Christmas cheer. Not bulbs, but South African cousins of my many SA bulbs, bringing Winter cheer to our Garden!

First Aloe is A. Hahnii, part of the Maculate  spotted Aloe group. While generally not coveted, it really has Flowers rivaling some of the "considered" best Aloe flowers! These are just coming in, so they don't yet show just how good they will be...

Second Aloe is a rare SA Dwarf Aloe. A. Krapohliana, with very large flowers in relation to the plant size.
Current Photographs / Re: December 2024
Last post by Too Many Plants! - December 21, 2024, 01:08:20 PM
Here's another exciting new addition emerging for the first time, from a recent BX...

Gethyllis Ciliaris !

Once again...a BIG Thank YOU! To the PBS Folks that share the Love!!
General Discussion / Re: Ordering from Rare Bulbs N...
Last post by Arnold - December 21, 2024, 11:44:21 AM
I've ordered from him 15-20 years ago.

he sells out quickly for sure.
General Discussion / Re: Ordering from Rare Bulbs N...
Last post by Uli - December 21, 2024, 10:40:33 AM
Hello Mark,

It is a very long time ago that I have ordered from him when I still lived in Germany. The service was correct, the bulbs expensive but good. 
For Portugal it makes no sense to order from him because most of his bulbs need a much colder winter than I can provide. But for a continental climate with cold winters and hot summers he is the right address.
General Discussion / Re: Ordering from Rare Bulbs N...
Last post by Martin Bohnet - December 21, 2024, 10:00:57 AM
I can't help you with the USA-part of the question, just a general hint: you have to be quick. Janis is on a small business taxation system, it's not unusual for him to close down the offering after days (even feels just like hours) as he reaches his annual business volume limit. Best might be to have a look on new year morning, no matter how slow the server is then as everybody will be browsing....
Current Photographs / Re: December 2024
Last post by CG100 - December 21, 2024, 09:46:53 AM
Horses for courses @Too Many Plants   :)

Our UK gardens have a few strains of Hellebore and a very, very few flowering shrubs flowering now and over the winter (although a few have fabulous scent to make up for restrained flowers), plus snowdrops if you pick the right species/strains/hybrids, plus one or two other bulbs, all depending on where you draw the line for "winter".

On the other hand, we can grow most roses outdoors in the ground and most will be rampant, so long as you avoid the martyrs to things like blackspot.
General Discussion / Ordering from Rare Bulbs Nurse...
Last post by illahe - December 21, 2024, 09:31:27 AM
Hello everyone, 

I was wondering if anyone here has recent experience ordering from  For shipping to the USA? If so any experiences to share about the process, experience etc.?

Happy Holidays, 
