My weather station data gets shared to a data-distributor. I think it might be PWS or AWS. Then lots of systems subscribe to that data distributor. So my little amateur weather station does show up on public systems, not just weather underground. They have rating systems for data quality that look at how long the station has operated continuously, how consistent it is with nearby stations, and other stuff. But apparently their bots do not read my comment field where I state it is too close to trees and not at regulation height. Also my rain bucket sometimes jams or gets filled with bird poo. So when you get free data... caveat emptor.
I also have a soil moisture (tension) and soil temperature meter about 5" deep in the sand plunge underneath the weather station. And I have a leaf wetness meter. I used to gaze at graphs showing the damped oscillation of soil temperature versus air. Not just damped, but phase delayed.
The one thing my Rainwise station does not do well is summon rain when we need it.
I also have a soil moisture (tension) and soil temperature meter about 5" deep in the sand plunge underneath the weather station. And I have a leaf wetness meter. I used to gaze at graphs showing the damped oscillation of soil temperature versus air. Not just damped, but phase delayed.
The one thing my Rainwise station does not do well is summon rain when we need it.