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Messages - Xephre

To CG100.

The surface of the base is kind of hard but I'm not sure it'd make roots.

As far as I understand, you said I should let them be and not water them till it's growing season again.
But for B. disticha, since it doesn't have root, I should water it sometimes to trigger root growth but not too often.

I rely on artificial lights and it indeed is far from ideal environment like under the full sun.
I was thinking I need to add more lights there as I'm planning to grow more of them.
I wish I had space for them out there...
To Arnold T.

Hello! I think B. disticha is imported and neglected like that for few months. Rooting powder was applied on the bulb disk when I got that bulb from an online shopping mall. It seems it needs a good root system desperately but the leaves withered. So I was confused what to do.

Brunsvigia all grew in South Korea for at least a few months to years and all had green leaves when I received them. It's been almost 2 months since then.

It's all very confusing to apply for northern hemisphere life cycle to those beauties...
I know excess water is no good and heard established root system is also very important... but I guess it's just not the right time as they lost all the leaves and I have to wait until they are ready.

But... normally, they should be growing more in northern hemisphere by now, right? 

Another pot of Boophone disticha and B. haemanthoides seem living well(they grew in South Korea for a few years) and I also uploaded pictures of them below.

Picture 3 to 4 are when I first received the B. disticha
Picture 5 is Brunsvigia orientalis when it had leaves. I was worried when it started to wither from the center. It just didn't seem normal...  Does it???
Boophone disticha, Brunsvigia orientalis, B. marginata, B. pulchra

B. disticha didn't have root when I received the bulb but it had some green leaves back then.
Now it's all gone brown. Brunsvigia have root.
I live in South Korea and now they don't have any leaves, should I stop watering?
Please let me know when to start watering again.
These bulbs are still firm but I think they got stressed while repotting them and the temperature has been like 10°C.