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Messages - Anita

Steve--thanks a bunch for responding to my question!

I think I'm going to give this little rascal a few weeks wrapped in damp peat moss inside my refrigerator and then see if it will grow for me inside my house this winter.
It's going to have plenty of company--I've got two different kinds of Magnolia seeds, dogwood, and Japanese maple seeds that I'm going to try growing inside the house as well as peach pits and gingko's outside.
Hello Everyone,
I have a lot of Lycoris squamigera that bloom for me every year and a scant handful of what might possibly be Lycoris incarnata.
Now I know full well, that LS is generally sterile although it might occasionally produce a seed in a very rare instance.
But I don't know how fertile Lycoris incarnata might be.

Here's what's happened:
One of my Lycoris has produced a single seed. It is black, firm to the touch, mature looking, and just under half an inch across. If it has a viable embryo inside it, I want to give it the best possible chance to live.
So--how do I grow it?
Does it need a certain amount of cold time in the refrigerator? If so, how much?
Somebody please help me--the only other bulb seeds I've ever grown were Japanese iris.
Thanks! :)