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Messages - TrickyTroggle

General Discussion / Re: Pasithea caerulea
June 06, 2024, 02:13:39 AM
Hi Brian, did you propagate your plants from seeds? If so, how long did they take you to get from seed to flower? Also, did the seedlings die back and go dormant then re-grow some time later? I just don't know what to expect! 
Thanks, Clive.
General Discussion / Pasithea caerulea
June 05, 2024, 07:29:43 AM
I am growing Pasithea caerulea from seed but have no idea what I should be doing. 

I germinated about 25 seeds before Christmas and now have seedlings with 4 or 5 blades. Some have completely died back while the majority are still green. I have explored beneath the soil and found a small bulb-like structure with fine roots attached. The plants are growing on my sunny garage windowsill to protect them from extremes of weather but they seem to taking a long time to bulk up. 

Does anyone have any experience of growing this plant from seed? I would really like to know the growth timeline and what to look out for. 

I am in South East UK and have bought Pasithea caerulea from a local nursery many years ago - but both plant and nursery have I am going it alone.