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Messages - AbeelT

Mystery Bulbs / Unknown Ledebouria
September 25, 2024, 12:36:19 AM
Hello everyone,

I've been collecting Ledebouria for several years now, and I have consulted the valuable info on this genus on the PBS website many times. I recently came across these two plants that I cannot identify. I would appreciate your insights on this.

Earlier this month I found these plants at a cactus and succulent fair. They were labeled as "Ledebouria aff. revoluta". I have never seen Ledebouria like these, and I don't seem to find any similar looking plants online. The seller acquired two of these plants many years ago in Germany. The plants do not produce offsets/new bulbs, so they have to be propagated from seeds. 

Does anyone have any idea what species/variety this is?

Thanks in advance!
