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Messages - Psilotum

Thank you two  :) .
I'll put the pots inside, and will wait patiently.
To be honest, I didn't covered the seeds. I'll cover them with sand.
I would like some advice about germination of Ferraria crispa.
(Please excuse my poor English from Japan  ;)  .)

About 3 weeks ago, I got seeds of Ferraria crispa and sew them, but they haven't germinated yet.

Dried fruits were on the surface of the seeds, so I removed them. (I've heard that fruits often prevent seeds from germinating.) I also washed and, all night, soaked them.

Before I sew the seeds in pots, I only slightly cut them.

Now I put the pots outside, keeping them wet.
(day: about 10~15℃ night: about 1~6℃)
They get enough sunlight. (on the south side)

If there are some point I can improve, I would be happy to receive tips.