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Bulb and Seed Exchanges / SX 18 NOW OPEN
October 25, 2024, 04:06:23 AM
SX 18

Hello all-

Standard rules apply for this SX:

Kindly review the list below and email me with your request(s) with

item number(s) AND item name(s)  (this is your receipt)

to I will send a simple acknowledgment of your email within 24 hours.
Seed requests will be accepted until Sunday night (10/27/24). Packages will start to be be assembled on Monday.

Be sure to include your full name and current address.

Seed shares are $2 each
Postage $5

You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or
Arnold Trachtenberg.


Orders should be paid upon receipt through the PBS website at:

Please be sure to reference the SX number above (SX 18), as this helps with accounting.

If you are paying for multiple items, please include a note to designate amounts and specific increments.

You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.

Thank you very much to our donors; we sincerely appreciate your efforts!  8)
Janet Hoffmann
1  Allium unifolium
2  Ferraria crispa
3  Freesia laxa ssp. laxa (coral red flowers)
4  Freesia viridis
5  Sisyrinchium bellum

Linda Press Wulf
6  Wachendorfia thrysifolia

Bob Lauf
7  Albuca spiralis
8  Drimia uniflora (2023 and 2024 harvests)
9  Habranthus tubispathus
10 Ornithogalum saundersiae

Emil Friend
11 Amaryllis belladonna, standard pink west coast

Judy McBride
12 Aristea ecklonii (Blue Stars)
13 Habranthus tubispathus (ex BX 491)
14 Iris douglasiana (Douglas Iris)
15 Moraea collina (Single Leaf Cape Tulip)

Jim Barton
(The seeds are estate-grown California natives. On the West Coast, they must be sown by November 1 to develop a bulblet that can survive warm weather. When temperatures rise, the plants go dormant. If the bulblet is too small by the time hot weather arrives, it will not survive.)

16 Brodiaea californica
17 Brodiaea elegans
18 Brodiaea filifolia
19 Brodiaea kinkiensis
20 Brodiaea leptandra

21 Chlorogalum pomeridianum

22 Dichelostemma congestum
23 Dichelostemma ida-mia
24 Dichelostemma multiflorum
25 Dichelostemma volubile

26 Dipterostemon capitatus

27 Triteleia hyacinthina
28 Triteleia ixioides
29 Triteleia laxa
30 Triteleia peduncularis

31 Calochortus albus (white)
32 Calochortus amoenus
33 Calochortus argillosus
34 Calochortus fimbranthus brown splendens tan
35 Calochortus obispoensis
36 Calochortus plummerae
37 Calochortus pulchellus
38 Calochortus simulans
39 Calochortus splendens
40 Calochortus superbus
41 Calochortus umbellatus
42 Calochortus uniflorus
43 Calochortus venustus
44 Calochortus vestae
45 Calochortus weedii

Bulb and Seed Exchanges / Re: SX 16 NOW OPEN
July 10, 2024, 04:31:52 PM
Thanks Ron, I will email in private.

Bulb and Seed Exchanges / SX 16 NOW OPEN
July 08, 2024, 11:35:25 AM

All: Please read this post/email in its entirety prior to ordering so we will have no confusion and your boxes can get out to you quickly. It will make my job a bit easier. You cannot reply to this email or your order may be lost. Please take that into consideration and be sure to send a separate email.

Standard rules apply for this SX:

Kindly review the list below and email me with your request(s) at I will send a simple acknowledgment of your email within 24 hours. Should you not receive a response from me within a day or so, please resend.

Be sure to include your full name and current address.

Seed shares are $2 each.

You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or Arnold Trachtenberg.


Orders should be paid upon receipt through the PBS website at:

Please be sure to reference the SX number above (SX 16), as this helps with accounting. You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.

Thank you very much to our current donors for your contributions! If there are any spelling errors, please let me know.

1Rimmer de Vries(Sinningia 'wildfire' X S. globulosa) x self) OP, h. 6/22
2Dave & Tammy LinssAlbuca acuminata
3Rimmer de VriesAlbuca circinata ex BX 174, h. 3/24
4Charles HunterAmorphophallus kiusianusSeeds cannot dry out or they will not germinate
5Rimmer de VriesAndrocymbium dregei ex BX 155 #22 Mazer, h 4/24
6Judy McBrideAnomatheca laxa
7Charles HunterArisaema taiwanense
8Mary Sue IttnerBaeometra uniflora
9Christine DoudBearded Iris, Christo Redentor x Punctuation
10Christine DoudBearded Iris, Double Click x Berry Blend
11Christine DoudBearded Iris, eleganza x Big Break (plicata)
12Christine DoudBearded Iris, Hello Romance x Big Break (broken)
13Christine DoudBearded Iris, Obsidian (plicata) x Noid (plicata)
14Christine DoudBearded Iris, Professor x Sorbonne (plicata)
15Christine DoudBearded Iris, unknown parentage
16Christine DoudBearded Iris, unnamed x Iron Eagle
17Mary Sue IttnerBellevalia dubia
18Mary Sue IttnerBellevalia romana
19Christine DoudCamassia cusickii (white, non variegated leaves)
20Christine DoudCamassia Sacajawea (white, variegated leaves)
21Ron MartinolichChasmanthe floribunda
22Arnold TrachtenbergColchicum of mixed types and open pollinated
23Rimmer de VriesCrinum bulbispermum ex JES selected forms, hardy  in Indianapolis, IN
24Rimmer de VriesCyanella orchidiformis - early tall form ex BX 368, h April 2024 (pods)
25Rimmer de VriesCyrtanthus mackenii - butter yellow, ex Telos, h. Feb 24 (2 packets)
26Rimmer de VriesCyrtanthus sanguineus ex BX 339 Monica Swartz, h. 11/23
27Judy McBrideDichelostemma ida-maiaFirecracker flower
28Rimmer de VriesEucrosia aurantica ex BX 405 h Spring 2024
29Dave & Tammy LinssFerraria crispa chocolate
30Dave & Tammy LinssFerraria crispa ssp. nortieri
31Mary Sue IttnerFessia greilhuberi
32Dave & Tammy LinssFreesia laxa red
33Mary Sue IttnerFreesia laxa ssp. azurea
34Mary Sue IttnerFreesia leichtlinii ssp. alba
35Mary Sue IttnerGeissorhiza inflexa
36Dave & Tammy LinssGladiolus tristis
37Ron MartinolichGossypium speciesCotton seed
38Rimmer de VriesHabranthus robusta ex BX, h 6/2024
39Dave & Tammy LinssHabranthus robustus 'Russell Manning'
40Dave & Tammy LinssHabranthus tubispathus Gold
41Mike LowitzHesperocallis undulata
42James HenrichHesperoxiphion peruvianum ex Annie's Annuals
43Rimmer de VriesHippeastrelia X Sprecklia howardii- h 6/2024 if  seedlings have 1/2" wide leaves then it was a self, if they have  1/4" wide leaves then it is a cross
44Rimmer de VriesHippeastrum striatum Saltao BX (SX) 436 from Brazil Plants, h. 4/23
45Mary Sue IttnerHyacinthoides mauritanica
46Rimmer de VriesHymenocallis aff. guerrorensis, ex Guerro, MX N  of Chilpancingo, Thad Howard Coll 1984
47Rimmer de VriesHymenocallis aff. phalandis, ex Tepic, MX 7000'  h 6/2024
48Judy McBrideIris foetidissima
49Rimmer de VriesLachenalia ensifolia maughanii, Nieuwoudtville, h. 3/24
50Rimmer de VriesLachenalia mediana ex NBH406, ex Nhu N, h 6/  2024
51Arnold TrachtenbergLachenalia nervosa
52Bob LaufLachenalia pusilla
53Arnold TrachtenbergLachenalia pygmaea (OP)
54Bob LaufLachenalia trichophylla (long hair form)
55Arnold TrachtenbergLachenlia ensifolia (OP)
56Rimmer de VriesLedebouria concolor, h 6/ 2024
57Rimmer de VriesLeopoldia sp 15" tall late muscari type,  lost ID, h 6. 2024
58Mike LowitzMassonia pustulata
59Judy McBrideMoraea collina
60Linda Press WulfMoraea huttonii
61Dave & Tammy LinssMoraea polyanthos
62Leo Martin Moraea speciosa
63Mary Sue IttnerMuscari macrocarpum
64Rimmer de VriesNarcissus serontinus ex Rhonda Spain, h. 11/23
65Mary Sue IttnerNothoscordum montevidense
66Mike LowitzPapavar orientale (orange)Orange poppy
67Rimmer de VriesPelargonium incrassatum- magenta, h 3/23
68Rimmer de VriesPelargonium incrassatum- pink, h 3/22
69Rimmer de VriesPelargonium quinquelobatum, h. late Su 23
70Rimmer de VriesPolyxena pygmaea alba ex. Koppie Alleen, De Hoop ex Paul Cumbleton, h. 3/24
71Rimmer de VriesScilla latifolia Canary Islands. Garden origin seed collected by Uli Urban donated in SX3, h. Feb-Mar 2024
72Arnold TrachtenbergScilla madeirensis
73Rimmer de VriesSinninga micans ex Hannon, h 4.24 (and inside packet h. 4/23)
74Rimmer de VriesSinningia aghensis
75Rimmer de VriesSinningia eumorphia, h. 2/21
76Rimmer de VriesSinningia insularis, h. 5/22
77Rimmer de VriesSinningia irae, h. 6/22
78Rimmer de VriesSinningia leucotricha, h. 5/22
79Rimmer de VriesSinningia nivalis, h. 5/22
80Rimmer de VriesSinningia piresiana x S. nivalis, h. 2021
81Rimmer de VriesSinningia 'Scarlet O' Hara', op h. 7/21
82Linda Press WulfSparaxis mixed
83Dave & Tammy LinssSparaxis villosa
84Dave & Tammy LinssSparaxis, pink and white
85Charles HunterTrillium cuneatum Seeds cannot dry out or they will not germinate
86Dave & Tammy LinssTritonia deusta
87Mary Sue IttnerTulipa clusiana (from yellow flowered forms)
88Arnold TrachtenbergVeltheimia bracteata
89Rimmer de VriesZephyranthes dichromata, pale yellow with rosy  reverse, some mixed with primulina ex BX Ina Crossley seed, h 6/2024
90Rimmer de VriesZephyranthes drumondii, early white ,ex JES  seed, h 6/2024
91Rimmer de VriesZephyranthes 'Pink Beauty' ex BX Ina Crossley  Seed, h 6/2024
92Rimmer de VriesZephyranthes primulina ex BX Ina Crossley seed,  h 6/2024
93Rimmer de VriesZephyranthes shandsii ex BX 462 JES seed h  6/2024
94Rimmer de VriesZephyranthes Sunset Strain, ex BX Ina Crosley  seed, h 6/2024
Hello All,
The PBS Seed Exchange is currently seeking donations. 😊

Please send your cleaned and labeled seeds to:
Lisa Zankowski
8N655 Dittman Rd.
Elgin, IL 60124

There's no specific packaging required.
I'll portion the seeds for PBS members based on demand.

Your postage costs will be reimbursed as credit towards future seed purchases.

Please refrain from sending wild-collected seeds.

Should you have any inquiries, feel free to send a private message.

Thank you for your support and contributions!

Best regards, Lisa
User Profiles / Shoal Creek Suculents
January 09, 2023, 09:56:36 AM
Eventually I plan to create a proper post, but I wanted to post this picture on the PBS email list.

Front Table.jpg
Current Photographs / Hippeastrum 'Red Lion' email list
November 05, 2022, 12:08:40 PM
Bulb and Seed Exchanges / Haemanthus Seed Available
September 28, 2022, 06:46:06 AM
Hi all-

We have an offering of Haemanthus seed from Mary Sue Ittner, details listed below.

Please send me (not the PBS general list!) an email with your selections and your address at my email address of

This offer is open until Friday.
Winners will be selected by lottery on Saturday morning.
I will acknowledge receipt of your email within 24 hours.
I will send winners a note on Saturday morning with payment info.
Shipping will be $4.50 as these delicate seeds will need to be sent in a small box, with tracking information.

Haemanthus carneus - just a few seeds, $2.00
 Haemanthus humilis - from pink flowers, fewer $2.50
 Haemanthus humilis - from white flowers, more seeds $1.50
 The last one is from the Stutterheim form shown on the wiki:

Best regards,

Donations: If you have excess recalcitrant seeds, any short lived/Amaryllid seed, please me at

It would be ideal to have a few selections in time with the Haemanthus seed that will be available soon.

Best regards,
General Discussion / Importing Bulbs
May 02, 2022, 08:00:26 AM
On the PBS email discussion list, there was a question if an import permit is needed for bulbs.

If under 12 items, permit not needed according to this: 2022-05-02 093517.jpg