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Messages - Uli

PBS Forum Feedback & Help / Re: Attachment failure
January 12, 2022, 01:43:06 AM
Hello Martin and David,

Here is the failed photo (hopefully)
PBS Forum Feedback & Help / Re: Attachment failure
January 11, 2022, 04:29:17 PM
Another attempt with my iPhone. I could change the settings to maximum compatibility on my iPhone but not on my (older) iPad.
Found my message, it was a new post, sorry.
But quick reply has no attachment button, so no pictures attached.
The forum doesn't work well on the small screen of my iPhone.
Current Photographs / Re: January photos
January 11, 2022, 03:55:29 PM
Hello David,

Thank you for your reply to my question concerning the failed attachment. The message and the  error picture is no longer there, where is it?
I have googled and tried hard to find out how to change the format of my Apple pictures into jpg but I did not get very far. I would need an App and it is a procedure with many steps. I do send a lot of pictures with my iPad, including to the email list, never had this problem. The forum software seems to be unable to digest Apple pictures?
Current Photographs / Re: January photos
January 11, 2022, 03:15:12 PM
Quote from: Mr David Pilling on January 11, 2022, 02:20:19 PMUli - when you login there is a time, select "forever"

Pictures and topics remain as long as we pay the server fees.

Why do some thumbnails expand and some not - hard to say without knowing which photos. We have been playing with software extensions for the last nine months, some thumbnails will be orphans from those experiments.

Thank you, David for this info

PBS Forum Feedback & Help / Attachment failure
January 11, 2022, 02:14:08 PM
Hello again,

As most of the pictures I will post to the forum are taken with my iPad and iPhone, I need help on how to change the files into a permitted one
Current Photographs / Re: January photos
January 11, 2022, 02:04:52 PM
Hello All,
First of all: happy new year to all of you.
And thank you very much, Martin for all the work you have done.
I wanted to post this message but it got lost because I didn't realize that my login had expired in the meantime, how can I avoid this in future?
At least I found the time to get to grips with the forum. First step: I looked at the pictures and experimented. I can enlarge thumbnails which I find interesting but some (Gastils Lachenalia viridiflora and two others) remain thumbnails, why?
Why carry most pictures the name of the plant and others don't? I would like to know the names of plants unknown to me.
What will happen to the pictures after the forum moves on to another topic?
Next step will be to post pictures.

Bye for now
Mystery Bulbs / Re: Tropaeolum - hybrid or species?
August 08, 2021, 12:39:19 AM
To me it looks like a hybrid. If Lauw has raised it from seed and if he has grown both species it is likely to be a hybrid.
Quote from: gastil on March 24, 2021, 07:25:18 AM
Some german text appears on the Calendar setup page.
Dodawanie wydarzeń do kalendarza
google translates as
Adding events to the calendar

Hello Gastil,

I am just testing the new forum and found your contribution. The language quoted is not German, perhaps polish. Somewhat difficult to tell because I do not speak it.

I wonder if you get this message.


Quote from: gastil on March 24, 2021, 07:25:18 AM
I am not suggesting we have a calendar, only that we should stick to English since historically PBS has been in English. Sorry if that sounds anglocentric, not meant that way. :)

On that same page, a few of the items are in german, ie
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Edit By Martin: On Pro is that a moderator can clean up if someone  does strange things like writing the reply into the quote they took from another post  ::)