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Messages - CG100

General Discussion / Re: How to coccinia?
October 21, 2022, 02:39:18 AM
Quote from: Martin Bohnet on October 20, 2022, 08:50:16 AMActually, Methane gas heatings may have up to theoretically 111% efficiency

That would asume no chimney/flue gases.
Nothing legal would be allowed to be unvented - some heat will always be lost up the flue and combustion requires introduction of new air (oxygen), even if supplied direct to the burner rather from the greenhouse itself.

I suppose you could get close to a real 100% by running the flue pipe around any greenhouse, or even use an intercooler - flue/supply gas heat-exchanger - so that the gas that eventually exited was very close to greenhouse temperature, or even below, but the extended flue would probably have major problems with condensation/corrosion and any inter-cooler would have to be (very) large. None of it an engineering dream when it would all have to rely on convection and/or chimney/pitot effect.
General Discussion / Re: Rhodophiala sp. F&W 9527
October 20, 2022, 06:39:11 AM
Thanks for the information.
The plant is in a very gritty compost in a clay pot and it may be an optical illusion that it has made less than 1mm of new leaf growth beyond the tunics so far.

It will get a drench every 7-10 days and will likely dry out between.
Quote from: David Pilling on October 20, 2022, 03:17:15 AMThe gas crisis becomes a food crisis...

It has been for a long while this year - NL banned export of cucumbers a few months back and there was recently an early morning report on the farming programme that large parts of the Lea valley horticultural area have been sold off for housing development as a consequence of growing becoming uneconomic.
General Discussion / Re: Crinum Asiaticum Seed
October 19, 2022, 12:24:25 PM
Thanks Marc - bottom heat here is generally around 20C anyway. In an enclosed space, this means close to 20C air temperature.

(We are a hardy lot here in the UK - unless we are relaxing at home, vegging-out, during the day, household temp's will drop several degrees under that during the day. Even more so with current energy prices    :)  )
General Discussion / Rhodophiala sp. F&W 9527
October 19, 2022, 12:19:10 PM
The supplier of this to me, in the UK, has never flowered this plant. 
Another UK source of information suggests that it is a pink form of R. bagnoldii, in which case it would probably be from very sandy habitat with infrequent heavy rains, and winter-growing.

Does anyone know the plant, or even better, has anyone flowered it? Better yet, would they care to share?
General Discussion / Re: Crinum Asiaticum Seed
October 19, 2022, 06:47:17 AM
I knew that Crinum were fast to germinate - hence my surprise when none had geminated before they arrived (last year I bought some Crossyne seed and they had all germintaed in the packet, before arrival).

I did check after my last post and one Crinum seed has a very small root. I have moved them to a heat pad set at 20C, which may be better, even though they are indoors so do not get cold.

Thanks again
General Discussion / Re: Crinum Asiaticum Seed
October 19, 2022, 03:26:14 AM
Hi Uli
Many thanks for the comment. The seed was sown the day that it arrived - no germination as yet, which is a surprise, although some have expanded. I may soak the ones that have not, as you suggest.
My name was mentioned before - Carl
General Discussion / Crinum Asiaticum Seed
October 19, 2022, 02:16:14 AM
I recently bought some seed and had expected it to have produced shoots before it arrived, but not so.

The seed had obviously originally been roughly spherical, around an inch diameter, but the seed arrived as what look like large segments from an orange - maybe 3-4-5 per whole. As the segments are covered in the same seed-coat all over, the seeds appear to be whole, even though the few online pic's of Crinum seeds show whole, spherical seeds of varying sizes.

Is anyone familiar with the seed able to comment?
General Discussion / Re: xAmarine
October 19, 2022, 12:17:51 AM
General Discussion / Re: xAmarine
October 17, 2022, 01:16:55 PM
Online sources suggest that both Amaryllis and Nerine have 2n=22 chromosomes, so hybrids would be expected to be fertile.
But nothing in life is guaranteed......................
Quote from: Judy Glattstein on October 16, 2022, 09:19:07 AMWhat's next? Move to Wyoming where everyone drives a pickup with a camper cap because - as we speculate when we've been there on a rock garden society annual meeting - you have to camp out overnight to go grocery shopping.

Such properties do not really exist in the UK and if they did, the dwelling would probably be very large, and prices would vary hugely depending on geographical location.
I doubt that any would be available for less than £1M, unless the dwelling was a neglected hovel in the back end of beyond, and in a favoured location, would be several £M's.
Such properties are not being built in the UK, or only exceedingly rarely, by the very wealthy, and usually by redeveloping an existing dwelling that was built before planning laws existed (pre 1950's??).
An interesting comment about septic tanks.......
Many old rural properties here have septic tank drainage and some dwellings can be "cheek by jowl". Today, if an old agricultural building was being converted to a dweling, for instance, foul water drainage would have to go to what is known here as a packet treatment works - basically a tiny equivalent to a conventional sewerage treatment works using aerobic digestion rather than anaerobic (which is what a septic tank achieves).