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Messages - CG100

Us Brits have two days to remember those killed in all conflicts to keep the rest of us free.

The silence is observed twice in most years - on Armistice Day - at 1100 on 11/11, and 1100 on Remembrance Sunday - usually the nearest Sunday to 11/11.

If you live near a garrison town you may hear a gun (howitzer or whatever) to mark the beginning and end of the silence on Sunday - I vividly remember them as I grew up in Colchester - a major UK garrison town and because my parents both lived through WW2, with my father serving in the army, both having lost friends, comrades and aquaintances, as most people did, not that it was ever mentioned as anything but casual and very brief comment.

Remembrance Sunday (not sure about weekday 11/11) is the only time that you will hear silence intentionally broadcast over UK radio/TV. EVERYTHING, everywhere, used to fall silent on the Sunday in past years, less so now.
Quote from: Bern on November 09, 2022, 11:53:16 AMAmazing! IMO.

Why is gambling amazing? Certainly in the case of the UK lottery, it is redistributing cash (I hesitate to suggest wealth) amongst the poor - it is a tax on the poor as they spend proportinally more on it, and not all stake money is given back as prizes (obviously).

The UK National Lottery has been running for 28 years. Not every winner makes their winnings known, but in that time I have met 2 people who have won more than a few £ - a neighbour won £40,000 and somebody at work won something over £100,000.
Quote from: David Pilling on November 07, 2022, 06:00:48 AMAn average return of 50%.

The average return rate is not linked to average loss rate. If there is an average loss rate it would always be very near to the stake.
Quote from: David Pilling on November 07, 2022, 04:54:21 AM................on average you will lose money playing the lottery................

I am unsure/unconvinced that the word "average" has any logical/valid meaning in this context.

The odds will obviously vary, but I do not think "average" represents a reasonable approximation of >>>>>99% chance of loosing.  :-)
Although a very few pundits have realised and spoken already, maybe politicians and people in general will actually engage brain and realise that the current round of world-wide infaltion is unique - driven by Russia/Ukraine, which has driven energy (and carbohydrate) prices high on the world market, and thereby driven prices skyward on virtually everything.

Add that to the total chaos already pre-existing caused by C19.................

The total numpties can faff as much as they like with interest rates...................... it alone will not bring energy (or carbohydrate) prices down, if at all.
Quote from: Bern on October 30, 2022, 01:11:35 PMThere will be a big fight over going to net-zero in the USA.  It will be very ugly.


The biggest over-simplification and understatement that I have ever seen/read? Quite probably.
Where any energy is gained from is totally and utterly irrelevant, and the original quote made no mention of source, just that people did not consume energy.

Vast numbers of people across Africa and Asia cook using charcoal - better than using methane or propane, or even electricity? If the electricity was generated from solar, wind, wave, nuclear......................

How many people use no steel in their lives? How many people use no industrially-produced anything? Essentially none. It matters not that they personally did not make the steel or whatever - they are consuming energy second-hand.

Taking pedantry to the extreme, how many people eat/consume/utilise only what they or someone else produces within walking distance, with no industrial inputs and using only home-produced seed etc.? Unless they barter, even the money involved will have taken large amounts of energy to produce.
General Discussion / Re: Plants in the News
October 29, 2022, 09:11:36 AM
Every few years, more than 200 species of plants bloom, producing a spectacular carpet of purple, pink and yellow flowers on the desert floor. Many of the species are endemic to the area, including nolanas, huillis, and añañucas.

"There are something like 3 billion people on Earth that don't consume energy. 

No-one in this world consumes no energy.
General Discussion / Re: Plants in the News
October 28, 2022, 03:17:28 PM
I am an aroid fan, no matter the "scent".....

That said, there are plants beyond number that have neither scent/smell nor copious nectar, for which we know of no specific pollinator, or how/why they do the deed, albeit we humans do not have the senses of invertebrates, or even very many vertebrates (ever smelt the pheromones of a moth?).

Nature is indeed a wonderful thing.
General Discussion / Re: How to coccinia?
October 21, 2022, 02:39:18 AM
Quote from: Martin Bohnet on October 20, 2022, 08:50:16 AMActually, Methane gas heatings may have up to theoretically 111% efficiency

That would asume no chimney/flue gases.
Nothing legal would be allowed to be unvented - some heat will always be lost up the flue and combustion requires introduction of new air (oxygen), even if supplied direct to the burner rather from the greenhouse itself.

I suppose you could get close to a real 100% by running the flue pipe around any greenhouse, or even use an intercooler - flue/supply gas heat-exchanger - so that the gas that eventually exited was very close to greenhouse temperature, or even below, but the extended flue would probably have major problems with condensation/corrosion and any inter-cooler would have to be (very) large. None of it an engineering dream when it would all have to rely on convection and/or chimney/pitot effect.
General Discussion / Re: Rhodophiala sp. F&W 9527
October 20, 2022, 06:39:11 AM
Thanks for the information.
The plant is in a very gritty compost in a clay pot and it may be an optical illusion that it has made less than 1mm of new leaf growth beyond the tunics so far.

It will get a drench every 7-10 days and will likely dry out between.