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Messages - Rdevries

When is your deadline for submitting seed to the USA SX
Current Photographs / Re: February 2024
February 27, 2024, 05:44:13 AM
Tristagma violaceum, ex Nothoscordum sp. Flores & Watson 8485, Santiago, seed from BX 476 in 2021 is blooming for the first time. About 5-6" tall  

My first thought was it looked like Nothoscordum gracile which makes numerous tiny offsets can invade a collection or lawn if you ever had one or got one in a mislabel and reuse any soil. I hope this is better behaved. 

Current Photographs / Re: February 2024
February 09, 2024, 01:41:41 PM
The warm weather has awakened the Hyacinthellas.
Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 26, 2024, 01:27:22 PM
Cyanella orchidiformis from BX 368 john wickham.  about 30" tall. The earliest and tallest Cyanella i have tried. 

I put a bunch of these in the BX last fall 
Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 26, 2024, 01:23:11 PM
Albuca villosa. Fuzzy leaves
Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 26, 2024, 01:16:55 PM
Picture from last week of sinningia tuberosa started in 2021
Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 26, 2024, 01:14:54 PM
Sinningia bullata. I like this plant best when it is just sprouting and not growing all over. This is a 8" pot of seeds Dell sent me in 2016 that i never separated, just increased pot size as needed 
Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 26, 2024, 01:10:40 PM
Lachenalia luteola volunteer in leucocoryne tray. Reaching for light after 3 weeks in somewhat darkness
Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 26, 2024, 01:05:03 PM
Always a favorite Lapeirousa oroegena
Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 26, 2024, 12:59:02 PM
Lachenalia trichophylla blooming now. From 2 seed packets i have 3 different leaf forms.
 fine hairs, pustulate and an Intermediate 

Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 26, 2024, 12:47:11 PM
This group is shorter than the previous post.

These came as Narcissus cantabricus foliosus. Again i make no claims on id accuracy 
Current Photographs / Re: January 2024
January 26, 2024, 12:44:12 PM
Received as Narcissus romieuxii. I make no claims on id correctness

In outside covered frame. One day after a 3 day gully washer and warm humid air above 60°F, preceded by a week completely below freezing with lows down to +4°F . I put a frost blanket single layer in the frame ad closed the plastic lid when it got below 15°F
Current Photographs / Re: December 2023 photos
December 03, 2023, 10:20:19 AM
Sinningia cardinalis x S. bullata. Blooming for first time with orange flowers from the Bullata side (S. bullata on left in first snap). The second growth of leaves may also have some bullated characteristics of the bullata parent (hope).

I put a few sibs of this sinningia cross in the last US BX before any had bloomed. I wonder if anyone had similar of different results 
Current Photographs / Re: December 2023 photos
December 03, 2023, 05:10:23 AM
Strumaria prolifera with heads full of seeds, yesterday.
Current Photographs / Re: Daubenya stylosa
November 28, 2023, 10:24:07 AM
I have a few blooming here too, inside under lights