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Topics - AngelikaN

General Discussion / Hippeastrum fever
December 23, 2022, 05:45:18 AM
first I want to apologize for possible errors in spelling or wording, I am using a translation software.

Actually I was not so interested in Hippeastrum in the past. I am more in the bulbs from south africa like Lachenalia and Massonia. Then came the Exchange in europe in the fall of this year and with it seeds of Hippeastrum papilo from Uli (thanks for the donation :-) ). The seeds germinated very well. I started to research about Hippeastrum on the internet.

Next came the article by Vlad on the culture of Hippeastrum hybrids in the "Bulb Garden" (and watching his wonderful videos on YouTube!). I agitated my colleagues at work and placed a collective order in the Netherlands. I now have "Exotic Star" and "Apple Blossom", which will both bloom soon.

Then I discovered the variety that fascinates me the most so far, on a older picture from an amaryllis show at Keukenhof (ca. 2016): a Hippeastrum hybrid with variegated leaves (dark green-red at the edge, light green in the center) and red flowers. On the sign underneath no variety name, only the number #1800. I asked at the nursery where I had bought my hybrids (they offer nearly 100 different hybrids). The answer was that the plant on the picture was unknown. Okay, I thought, it's like car shows: a "feasibility study" that never went into production. Still, such a beautiful plant can't be completely lost!

On the sign on the picture was also a name, which was unfortunately misspelled as it turned out. The Internet finally brought me to the name Barnhoorn and the history of the family, the brothers who emigrated from the Netherlands to South Africa and founded the nursery Hadeco. In the next generation one family member, Andre Barnhoorn, went back to the Netherlands and bred there very beautifully hybrids. He probably also sold the "feasibility studies" that did not go into massproduction! Unfortunately I was too late here, his nursery is still listed in the yellow pages in the Netherlands, but without its own website. still leads to the company he worked with, but Hippeastrum (Amaryllis) are apparently no longer offered there. Since the trail on the internet to the nursery and Andre Barnhoorn ended there for me: Does anyone here have more information? I would be interested to know.

The hybrid #1800 itself remains a mystery so far .... but I managed to aquire a other variegated hybrid on a certain auction platform, which will be delivered after Christmas ( .

Happy holidays