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Topics - Tim

Current Photographs / pastel hippeastrum
October 25, 2022, 09:19:25 AM
This is a blooming hippeastrum which I am selfing.  Is there any interest in the seeds?  If so, I will send the seed to the SX.  The progeny should vary widely about this image due to extreme heterozygosity in the parent.  It has three 7" blooms but should eventually have four.
Current Photographs / First bloom crinums
June 30, 2022, 09:05:25 AM
Here are twins of Crinum bulbispermum x (bulbispermum x ligulatum) in first bloom planted in 10 gal and 7 gal pots.
The nice thing about this cross is the bright markings, precocious blooming, open presentation, hardiness, and the potential to do something similar but several times as big in five years.  This one is a pleasant surprise.20220629_203346.jpg 20220629_210100.jpg