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Messages - Neil Jordan

General Discussion / Re: Lilium formosanum advice
September 03, 2022, 07:07:27 PM
Many of this cross have not survived after almost a decade. The remainder I await our summer season to decide.
Some of this is probably due to some poor quality beds that were not as good as they are now.
However, anything that has been done can, and will, be done again. I think there is an interesting, untapped potential for the small pendant Lilium species of South-Western China & surrounds. We need to develop our understanding of these gems.
General Discussion / Re: Lilium formosanum advice
September 03, 2022, 12:11:27 AM
I am interested in the comments re Lilium wardii. I have grown many of this Lily for over 30 years now. In all that time I have only very rarely had seed set on any bulb unless I hand pollinated it, in which case it takes readily. I am aware that in Australia there are many clones that derive from bulblets of the one bulb & will not set seed unless pollen is avaoilable from a seed-grown bulb. 
After many years of attempting hybrids from L. wardii, In 2015 I finally managed to get crosses using pollen from L. lijiangense via embryo rescue (images attached). I have registered the group as Orient Charm Group. However, they are not stable at this time. I continue to pursue these crosses.