PBS Forum

Off-Topic Area => PBS Forum Feedback & Help => Topic started by: gastil on March 24, 2021, 07:25:18 AM

Title: text in German
Post by: gastil on March 24, 2021, 07:25:18 AM
Some german text appears on the Calendar setup page.
Dodawanie wydarzeń do kalendarza
google translates as
Adding events to the calendar

I am not suggesting we have a calendar, only that we should stick to English since historically PBS has been in English. Sorry if that sounds anglocentric, not meant that way. :)

On that same page, a few of the items are in german, ie
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Title: Re: text in German
Post by: gastil on March 24, 2021, 07:39:16 AM
I notice that the keyboard shortcut suggested for `submit`, the alt-s, does not submit. It just types a ß, that is, a capital beta character.
This could be because I'm typing on a mac, not a PC.
And this post does not go on this thread. I suppose we could create a new thread for Greek characters.
Title: Re: text in German
Post by: Martin Bohnet on March 24, 2021, 09:23:09 AM
Quote from: gastil on March 24, 2021, 07:25:18 AM

I am not suggesting we have a calendar, only that we should stick to English since historically PBS has been in English. Sorry if that sounds anglocentric, not meant that way. :)

well, actually,wanting the page in English doesn't sound anglocentric, but I might get that impression for mixing up a slavic language like Polish with a Germanic language like German (or English).

By the way, lowercase beta extends below the baseline - your character is a ß, a German "SZ"

Edit: The shortcut for submit is shift+alt+s - did you use the shift?
Title: Re: text in German
Post by: gastil on March 25, 2021, 08:45:01 AM
I looked again at the SRGC forum and saw they have a translation option, a drop-down select thing at upper right on their page. I do not know if it is a SMF add-on, or if PBS wants it. If it would encourage PBS participation by a certain Latvian, Id be all for it. :)

What aspects of this forum should I be testing/trying?
What questions do you want answered before deeming it ready/acceptable?
Is the forum planned for a replacement to the mail list, or just an additional tool?
Who decides? The board, I assume. If so, they will want to try it out themselves. I can understand wanting the wrinkles smoothed before that happens.

So far I am pleased with the forum as it is set up now. There is a learning curve, but it is not as awkward as I expected. Some features are not ideal, such as not having captions for images, but still that is better than the present scrubbed links in the mail list.

Those emoji faces at the top of this text edit box look creepy (to me). I bet each is loaded with deep meaning unknown to me. Do pbs members want those?

I'll try out the other edit features below.


Some text markup: CO2 r2


Well it is slightly strange that the list items are superscripts. Maybe that is still "on" after my r2 test.
If so, then how does one un-superscript?
Testing... ah. Click the sup thing to stop superscript.

I am not representative here because I've never liked those tiny-mice type edit tools. One markdown syntax seems enough. Why re-invent it. Grumble grumble...

And finally, I did forget to hit the shift. If this gets submitted, then shift-alt-s works.Í
Trying option-sß
Trying shift-option-sÍ
command-s does not work either.
Using the Post button does work tho.
Title: Re: text in German
Post by: Martin Bohnet on March 25, 2021, 11:26:53 AM
Quote from: gastil on March 25, 2021, 08:45:01 AM

Who decides? The board, I assume. If so, they will want to try it out themselves. I can understand wanting the wrinkles smoothed before that happens.

actually, the board got the link to this 2 days before the wiki-team. So it seems I'm the only board member actually interested in this... :'(
Title: Re: text in German
Post by: gastil on March 25, 2021, 11:35:46 AM
Quote from: Martin Bohnet on March 25, 2021, 11:26:53 AM
So it seems I'm the only board member actually interested in this...
Not necessarily. Maybe the board members have not figured out how to access the forum, or how to register, or what the forum actually is and how they would interact with it. They may not know what to test, what features to look for. They may not actually grasp what a forum is. At least one board member has admitted lack of tech awareness. I am not judging that as a fault, just as a possible explanation why we are not seeing them on the test forum.
Are any of the board members participants in the SRGC forum?
Have you monitored the Guest activity? Perhaps they are just not registering.
Title: Pros and cons (Split topic)
Post by: Uli on March 26, 2021, 08:11:49 AM
Quote from: gastil on March 24, 2021, 07:25:18 AM
Some german text appears on the Calendar setup page.
Dodawanie wydarzeń do kalendarza
google translates as
Adding events to the calendar

Hello Gastil,

I am just testing the new forum and found your contribution. The language quoted is not German, perhaps polish. Somewhat difficult to tell because I do not speak it.

I wonder if you get this message.


Quote from: gastil on March 24, 2021, 07:25:18 AM
I am not suggesting we have a calendar, only that we should stick to English since historically PBS has been in English. Sorry if that sounds anglocentric, not meant that way. :)

On that same page, a few of the items are in german, ie
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Edit By Martin: On Pro is that a moderator can clean up if someone  does strange things like writing the reply into the quote they took from another post  ::)
Title: Re: Pros and cons (Split topic)
Post by: gastil on March 26, 2021, 08:43:52 AM
Hello Uli,
I see your reply. I have my settings on for notification.

I expect you are right. The forum will scare off some people. And, conversely, it will thrill other people. I do not know what is best. I tend to stay with old tech until there is a strong need for new tech. That need differs for each person. It would be tragic to lose our long-term, knowledgeable contributors if the forum scares them off. And we have already lost the Pretty Blooms people to facebook. (I enjoy their pretty bloom pics there.) I am glad the decision is not up to me!

However, if PBS does want a forum, SMF seems ok, to me. Not perfect, but acceptable. (And I tend to dislike forums.)

Hello All,

Uli's message brings up another point. Unless part of a post is quoted, it will not be clear to whom a reply is directed, unless the poster also starts with a salutation as Uli did here to me. And the same folks who quite the entire digest upon reply are likely to do the same here.

All those list subscribers who do not even know how to use their own email app (let alone be aware they ARE using an email app) are not going to understand the mechanics of the forum.

For certain a forum will change the character of PBS. The old/current mail list is a filter which tends to discourage the "Ohhh pretty!" thus creating less clutter between serious discussions of horticulture and taxonomy. But SRGC seems to have survived having a forum. So, as I said, I am glad it is not my decision.
Title: Re: text in German
Post by: Martin Bohnet on March 26, 2021, 10:19:53 AM
One thing I see is that some need to get used to reply where a comment is made - Uli said that about scaring away people in another discussion. I could  with some effort split, move and rejoin topics, though  I guess everyone would learn the benefits of keeping discussions in tidy packages rather quickly, in case we decide to go there.

We had a lot of complaints about the list lately, and I admit it IS (too?) difficult to follow a discussion when several topics intermix. I naturally am a forum kind of guy - this was my time to be socialized in the Internet - too late for lists, too early (thank the flying spaghetti monster) for social media. A forum helps structuring thoughts a lot, and we can get the aww, pretty faction back without having them flooding the separate serious discussions.