PBS Forum

Geophyte discussions => Bulb and Seed Exchanges => Topic started by: Uli on August 20, 2023, 10:30:42 AM

Title: EU Seed and Bulb Autumn Exchange 2023 now open for donations 
Post by: Uli on August 20, 2023, 10:30:42 AM

 EU Seed and Bulb Autumn Exchange 2023 now open for donations
Dear Members of the Pacific Bulb Society living in the EU,
Please read this information carefully and entirely.
The donation time window is now open for seed and bulbs for autumn sowing and planting. Martin has discussed the timing with me, this year we start earlier than usual. The weather in central Europe has been swinging between extremes resulting in some bulbs having already started into growth which is earlier than in previous years. Even here in Portugal we had a very late rain which moistened the compost in the pots of dormant bulbs. Some do not care but some have also already broken dormancy. It may be wise not to send bulbs which are clearly growing.
Please send your donations to
Martin Bohnet
Ludwigstr. 1
73035 Göppingen
Please send only healthy material cleaned of soil and debris. Please label each packet with the name of the plant and your own name, so that all donations can be traced to their donors.
If you are willing to do so, we would appreciate 5 portions of pre-packed seed, if you have much more or if you know the seed is very popular, you can add a larger amount in a separate envelope. This is no obligation but will reduce Martin's workload considerably. A seed portion should contain enough seed for a good potful of seedlings, in very rare seed a minimum of 3 seeds.
Free of charge seed envelopes can be requested at Martin's  <garak@code-garak.de>
Please do not pre-pack bulbs.
Every paid member with a postal address in the EU is entitled to order, you do not need to be a donor, but of course, this kind of exchange depends on the generosity of the growers. Please consider a donation of surplus material.  Every donor gets a refund for the postage in form of a bonus with a minimum of 5 US$.
The precise ordering information will follow once ordering has opened.
As we start this exchange early, the donation time window will remain open for longer, closure will be announced through the same channels in due course. There will be most likely a second round this autumn, and then another Exchange in spring for summer growing bulbs.
And.... Last but not least: Please send Martin an email  <garak@code-garak.de>  or a PM through the forum to announce your donation. This is important because there may be delays in postal services from some countries.
Please do not hesitate to contact me (Uli) in case of questions <johannes-ulrich-urban@t-online.de>
Martin and Uli