×Amarcrinum are hybrids between Amaryllis and Crinum, two genera in the Amaryllidaceae family. These plants have tidy leaves and bear large umbels of long lasting, fragrant flowers on tall scapes during late summer and autumn.
×Amarcrinum memoria-corsii is a hybrid of Amaryllis belladonna × Crinum moorei.
'Born Free' has white flowers and was the first white Amarcrinum. It is a prolific bloomer in late summer and autumn. Height: 50 cm. Photos taken August 2006 by Alani Davis.
'Delkin's Find' has graceful light pink flowers with rounded tips. Photo taken August 2004 by Jay Yourch & Alani Davis.
'Dorothy Hannibal' has well shaped pink flowers with pointed tips. Height: 50 cm. Photos taken August 2006 by Jay Yourch.
'Fred Howard' has somewhat irregular pink flowers and is the most common cultivar found in gardens and in the trade. It is a prolific bloomer in late summer and autumn. Height: 60 cm. Photos taken August 2004 by Jay Yourch.