Allium triquetrum

Allium triquetrum L. is easily recognized by the triangular flowering stems and white flowers with a green stripe on the back of the tepals. It is a species from Europe that has become a weed in parts of California, Australia, and New Zealand and has naturalized in Britain. It prefers shade. Height: 20-30 cm. Photo 1 from Mary Sue Ittner was taken at Manchester State Beach in Mendocino County, California where it has naturalized near an abandoned house. Photo 2 from Bob Rutemoeller is another naturalized population in Mendocino County. Photos 3-4 were taken by Nhu Nguyen in the Bay Area. Photo 4 shows it taking over a neglected yard. Photo 5 from Bob Rutemoeller shows a population on the Cornwall coast in the United Kingdom. Gardeners should beware of this invasive species. It is not recommended for anyone to grow this in a Mediterranean climate away from its native home in Europe.

Allium triquetrum, Mendocino Coast, Mary Sue IttnerAllium triquetrum, Mendocino Coast, Bob RutemoellerAllium triquetrum, Nhu NguyenAllium triquetrum, Nhu NguyenAllium triquetrum, Cornwall, Bob Rutemoeller

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