BX 498 notes on donation

Mike Rummerfield via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sat, 12 Oct 2024 21:35:57 PDT
A few notes on some of the bulbs I sent in for BX 498 (items 21 through 26):
Information is based on my location, the conditions here, and my personal
None get any supplemental water during their dry summer dormant period.

*Albuca namaquensis *- for me, this requires quite a bit of moisture to
break dormancy in Autumn.

*Erythronium tuolumnense *- plant vertically with the most blunt end
down/most pointed end up.  Here, they settle themselves in with about three
inches of soil above the pointed(top) end.  They can be planted less deep
and they will pull themselves down to their desired depth.

*Romanzoffia tracyi *- plant immediately in very well drained medium just
below the surface - about ⅛ inch/0.3 cm deep.  This is hardy for me here in
pots with overhead protection - an overhead sheet of plastic which tempers
temperature extremes.

*Scilla lilio-hyacinthus - *this is what this bulb keys out to in my best
efforts...except it does *not* have a lily-like bulb.  I think I
acquired it in a mixed bag of unlabeled bulb seed many, many years ago from
England.   It produces a handsome rosette of dark green, strap-shaped
leaves in mid-Spring (*never* in Autumn or Winter) and blooms in late
Spring.  It clumps up nicely without ever becoming invasive, and is
trouble-free.  It never gets very tall and can become lost among other
taller plants.  (Vague, I know, but I'd rather give no information rather
than specific but wrong information.)

Onalaska, WA
old z. 7 - cool mediterranean
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