Kipp McMichael via pbs
Sun, 13 Oct 2024 09:55:10 PDT
Greetings all,

  I'd like to highlight the first item listed from my donations: Chlorogalum pupureum var reductum. This is a delightful and exceedingly rare California native. A diminutive relative of the familiar and quasi-ubiquitous Soap Plant, this tiny taxon grows no more than 6 inches wide with bloom stems less than 10 inches. As the species name suggests the flowers are a beautiful, blue-based purple and open during the day. These bulbs are just shy of blooming size. They grow natively in rare soil deposit near Paso Robles which is a reddish, hard clay. Winter growing with a very hot, dry summer dormancy.

  I sent these is good numbers so you should be able to get some!

From: pbs <> on behalf of Bridget Wosczyna via pbs <>
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2024 7:16 PM
To: <>
Cc: Bridget Wosczyna <>
Subject: [pbs] US BX 498 OPEN UNTIL TUESDAY OCTOBER 15, 9 pm PST

All: Please read this post in its entirety prior to ordering so we will
have no confusion and your boxes can get out to you quickly.  It will make
my job a bit easier.  This is another large BX.
**This BX will be open for orders until Tuesday, October 15 at 9:00 p.m.

Standard rules apply for this BX:

Kindly review the list below and email me with your request(s) at
** <>.
I will send a simple acknowledgement of your email.  Should you not have a
response from me within a day or so, please resend.

*Be sure to include your full name and current address and PLEASE advise if
you have moved recently so I may note.*

Bulbs are $3 each.  Many of these are only one share and in short
supply. *Again:
some of the donors have sent me only one share of some things.  I would
like to temper expectations*.

This will be a lottery (however, if you did not receive something you were
especially keen on last round, kindly advise and I will try to assure some
accommodation. Also, if there is something you really are looking to
receive, it helps for me to know this as well.)

You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX
charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or
Arnold Trachtenberg.


Orders should be paid upon receipt through the PBS website at:

Please be sure to reference the BX number above (498) when paying as this
helps us with accounting.
*You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.*

No orders to anywhere but the US and (sometimes) Canada can be entertained
at this point.  We cannot furnish the appropriate phyto docs to other

1 Haemanthus pauculifolius                                       *Mike
2 Calochortus vestae                                                   *Mary
Sue Ittner*
3 Dierama sp. (D. pulcherrimum ?)
4 Geissorhiza spp. (probably G. inaequalis and G. heterostyla
5 Triteleia clementina
6 Triteleia spp. (probably mostly T. laxa, but could have other species)
7 Wachendorfia thyrsifolia                                         *Linda
Press Wulf*
8 Watsonia (pink) maybe borbonica                        *Lianne  Rugeroni*
9 Watsonia ‘Intermedia’
10 Colchicum ‘Nancy Lindsay’                                   *Mark
11 Chionodoxa ‘Valentine Day’
12 Arum byzantinum
13 Narcissus wilkommii
14 Ipheion ‘Jessie’
15 Arum dioscoridis
16 Drimiopsis maculata                                               *Robert
17 Resnova maxima
17a Ledebouria socialis ‘Paucifolia’
18  Costus spectabilis (ex Gabon)                            *Bern Mlynczak*
18a Euphorbia globosa
19 Griffinia espiritensis var. espiritensis
20 Griffinia sp. (prob. liboniana)
21  Erythronium tuolumnense                                  *Janet Hoffman*
22 Albuca namaquensis
23 Babiana patersoniae
24 Oxalis polyphylla var. heptaphylla
25 Romanzoffia tracyi
26 Scilla liliohyacinthus
27 Triteleia laxa
28 Moraea (Homeria) collina
29 Freesia laxa ssp. laxa
30 Babiana stricta (dark magenta)
31 Chasmanthe floribuda var duckittii
32 Freesia leichtlinii (probably NARGS)                 *Ernie DeMarie*
33 Othonna sp. simonuliei
34 Massonia pustulata
35 Narcissus sp. Wavehill
36 Tritonia duesta
37 Moraea vegeta
38 Nerine humilis (winter grower)
39 Oxalis sp many short stems, trifoliate leaflets   BB (BB= x Bill Baird
40 Oxalis sp BB
41 Oxalis sp BB
42 Oxalis sp BB
43 Oxalis sp (three narrow leaves)
44 Oxalis sp  BB
45 Oxalis mv 4968a
46 Oxalis glabra
47 Oxalis BB
48 Oxalis sp
49 Oxalis BB sort/med stems
50 Oxalis sp. (self sown)
51 Oxalis sp
52 Oxalis BB short stems
53 Oxalis attaquana BB
54 Oxalis capillare? BB
55 Oxalis clavifolia
56 Oxalis depressa PBS 364
57 Oxalis dichotoma BB
58 Oxalis "dichtomata" BB 58
59 Oxalis dregei
60 Oxalis flava BB fine leaflets
61 Oxalis flava  BB
62 Oxalis flava BB
63 Oxalis flava BX 248 #8
64 Oxalis sp (flava?)
65 Oxalis  flava BB
66 Oxalis flava erect leaves BB
67 Oxalis flava broadleaf BB
68 Oxalis flava narrow leaves BB
69 Oxalis flava
70 Oxalis flava BB
71 Oxalis flava BB
72 Oxalis flava (asina)
73 Oxalis flava narrow leaves PBS BX?
74 Oxalis flava narrow leaves/pink flower BB
75 Oxalis gracilis  orange flower BB
76 Oxalis  hedysaroides yellow flower BB
77 Oxalis imbracata BB
78 Oxalis sp (luteola) BB
79 Oxalis luteola white flower  BB
80 Oxalis sp long stem/three leaflets
81 Sprekelia
                                                         *Christine Doud*
82 Lilium formosanum
83 Crocus sativus ex BX476 #19                                *Jeron
84  Crocus x leonidii 'Early Gold' ex BX476 #42
85 Gladiolus carinatus ex BX478-139 seed grown started 11-19-21
86 Ixia paniculata ex BX481 #80
87 Ixia viridiflora seed grown from AGS or NARGS seed 11-19-21
88 Lachenalia bulbifera pink variety
89 Narcissus cantabricus ssp. cantabricus var. foliosus ex Illahe
90 Narcissus willkommii ex Brent and Becky's Bulbs
91 Sparaxis metelerkampiae seed grown from AGS or NARGS seed
92  Chlorogalum purpureum v reductum (garden grown)             *Kipp
93 Polyxena ensifolia ex Duggan
94 Lachenalia carnosa ex Silverhill
95 Massonia echinata ex Lifestyle
96 Moraea pritzeliana ex Silverhill
97 Massonia depressa
98 Tritonia crispa
99 Triteleia laxa
100 Eriospermum sp?
101 Massonia misc. sp.
102 Ledebouria socialis
                              *Judy Wong*
103 Sinningia tubiflora
104  Scilla (Oncostemma) peruviana (white/some
blue)                               *Val & Jack Myrick*
105 Rauhia multiflora ex cultivated stock Hawaii                *Steve
106 Ledebouria zebrina ex Penroc 2008 sown 6/25/21
107  Muscari
plumosum                                                            *Jerry
108 Amorphophallus yunnanensis RP1
109 Arisaema amurense
110 Arisaema exappendiculatum
111 Arisaema flava "Yellow Strain #2"
112 Arisaema taiwanense
113 Brodiaea pallida
114 Nerine filifolia (seed!)
115 Pinellia cordata
116 Pinellia pedatisecta
117 Sauromatum giganteum RP2
118 Sparaxis tricolor ‘Red and Yellow’
119 Triteleia peduncularis
120 Muscari discolor Archibald collection 689.270            *Terry
    From the Syrian desert
121 Fritillaria biflora v. ineziana,  plant with fat end Pointing up
122 Narcissus bulbocodium ssp bulbocodium filifolius
123 Arum apulum ex PBS 2015 #7
124 Tulipa didieri
125 Arisaema sp (maybe Taiwanense - early)                        *Amy
126 Arisaema candidissimum alba
127 Arisaema triphyllum ssp. stewardsonii    [changed nni to nii]
127 Amorphophllus konjac
128 Albuca polyphylla Uniondale ex Roy Herald                  *Rimmer De
129 Cyrtantus labiatus offsets (BX 482) Roy Herald (BX 239 Jim Shields)
130 Hymenocallis maxomiliani (su) offsets Telos 2014
131 Nothoscordum dialystemon (offsets, spring) yellow ex Roy Herald
132 Sauromatum giganteum offsets ex B Wosczyna 2023
133 Sinningia bullata Florianopilis 1 yo curling plants
134 Sinningia macrostachya (?) Brazil Plants seed
135  Sinningia “Owlsee’s Red Hot’ bullata hybrid large plant
136 Arisaema heterophyllum                                    *Bridget
137 Pinellia ‘Polly Spout’
138 Sauromatum venosum ‘Indian Giant’
139 Lilium 'Stargazer'

Thanks, Bridget
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